ALMAZ Oilfield Service

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High gas content

One of the most important factors complicating the work of ESPs is the presence of free gas in the fluid

High gas content


When passing an ESP, excess free gas can lead to locking of the impeller channels, failure of the supply, an increase in motor temperature and, as a result, can increase the electrical power consumed, reduce the mean time between failures of both individual elements and the entire pumping unit as a whole, reduce the efficiency of oil production from the well.

In case of free gas, the main task is to increase the efficiency of well operation by developing methodological and process solutions for the selection of pre-connected pump modules.

Depending on the downhole conditions, ALMAZ Oilfield Service selects optimal equipment with an additional module when working with a high gas-oil ratio for maximum throughput.


Longer service life of ESPs

By preventing pump starvation, heating the submersible electric motor in case of a free gas content of up to 75%

Maximum energy efficiency

By preventing the formation of gas plugs and optimizing the pump operating parameters

Scope of application
  • Wells without complications and with complications
  • Wells with free gas content of up to 75%
  • Wells with recently conducted hydraulic fracturing
  • A solution is available for sizes: 4A, 5, 5A, 6, 6B
  • Permissible capacity: 250 m3/day, 500 m3/day, 700 m3/day; 800 m3/day
  • Reservoir fluid temperature: conventional (110 °C), heat-resistant (135 °C) or especially heat-resistant (170°C) temperature versions

  • Wear resistance: conventional (solids content of up to 200 mgl/l) or wear-resistant (solids content of up to 1000 mgl/l)

  • Purpose: with a gas-separating stage; with a vortex gas-separating stage; with a dispersing stage; with gas-separating and dispersing stages; a double pump module with gas-separating and dispersing stages

  • Design: supported or unsupported (support in the protector)

  • Corrosion resistance: conventional or corrosion-resistant design. The corrosion-resistant version can be made entirely of stainless steel or with a Monel-type coating.

  • Direction of the shaft operating rotation: right (clockwise) or left (counterclockwise)

  • Type of spline shaft design: straight spline or involute spline connection
  • Spline adapter for connection with the pump with a spline shaft: straight-type or involute-type

  • Spline adapter for connection with the protector with a spline shaft design: straight-type or involute-type

  • Material of durable fasteners: with conventional or corrosion-resistant design

  • Connection: with six-, eight- and ten-point design (thread pitch may vary from the customer's request)

  • Connection type: housing-flange or flange-flange

Modules for operation with a high gas-oil ratio

- Handler

Purpose: breakup of gas bubbles to obtain a quasi-homogeneous mixture and subsequent supply of the gas-liquid mixture to the inlet of the ESP.

Maximum allowable free gas content at the inlet: 55%.

Principle of operation: the wheels of the breakers grind the gas inclusions to a homogeneous slurry.

Result: reduced flow vibration and pulsation, additional efficiency in lifting due to the expansion of free gas.


- Gas separator

Purpose: removal of excess free gas.

The maximum permissible free gas content at the inlet is 55% for the basic version, 68% for the vortex version.

Principle of operation: the gas-liquid mixture is whirled to a vortex flow, due to centrifugal force the oil emulsion is distributed along the edges of the module and then injected into the ESP, free gases are concentrated in the center and ejected into the annular space.

Result: removal of a significant amount of free gas into the annular space.


- Gas separator/handler

Purpose: operation in wells with a particularly high gas-oil ratio.

The maximum permissible free gas content at the inlet is 65% for the basic version, 75% for the vortex version.

Principle of operation: it separates the gas-liquid mixture into two fractions: free gas, which is removed into the annular space, and liquid, then they are processed into a homogeneous slurry at the entrance of the electric submersible pump.

Result: a tandem of two systems is capable of processing a gas-liquid mixture with a content of up to 75% free gas.


The modules manufactured by ALMAZ Oilfield Service proved their efficiency and reliability for solving problems with a high gas-oil ratio in the results of tests carried out by the Gubkin Research and Development Center and for more than 30 years of practical experience in operation under various conditions.

Depending on the customer's request, the pump module can be upgraded and used to attach the motor casing.

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